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Washington's Free Mobile Home Removal Company

 Hi, we're Washington Mobile Home Removal, we love mobile homes.

We love old and new,  we love clean and dirty,  we love just about all of them.

We love them so much, we'll remove them for free for you

A standard demolition would cost $12,000 to $18,000.   Wouldn't you rather pay zero?

Oh, also ... we're a 501c3 so you'd be eligible for a side of huge tax savings!

Get Your Free
Mobile Home Removal

Professional Service

Our professional team has handled hundreds and hundreds of mobile home removals (last year alone).

We aren't distracted by anything else, this is truly all we do - all day, all week, all year, for many years.

We know exactly what needs to be done and will handle it like the professionals we are.

We aren't going to waste your time, we're here to get your mobile home removed to your satisfaction and move on.

No Cost

We won't ask you for any money at any point.

Our mobile home removal service is completely free.

You'll save around $12,000-$18,000 by using us instead of a mobile home demolition company!

Maximum Tax Deduction

We're an affordable housing nonprofit.  When you get rid of a mobile home with us, we consider that a mobile home donation.  The great news is, so does the IRS.  We'd love to help you get a maximal tax deduction.

Some of our recent clients were absolutely dumbfounded when their CPA confirmed our tax deductions of $40,000; $50,000 and even well over $60,000.00.

Our Services for Removing Mobile Homes

Washington Free Mobile Home Removal aims to help those in need by offering affordable accommodation. We remove unneeded mobile homes and match them with low-income families, giving them a route to homeownership. We are among the top mobile home removal firms in Washington. Please take advantage of the many advantages of donating a mobile home instead of selling or tearing it down. 


Profit from our fantastic mobile home relocation program. We offer Free Mobile Home Removal if you help a family in need! Call us now to get a maximal tax deduction if your single-wide or double-wide qualifies.


Thus, call Washington Free Mobile Home Removal if you own a mobile home and wish to get rid of it. Does your property require the services of a firm that removes garbage from mobile homes? Washington Free Mobile Home Removal is your one-stop shop, and we offer this service at no cost to help people in need.


We provide exceptional customer service and have full authorization to operate with local fire departments and under local legislation. Washington Free Mobile Home Removal is the solution for "free mobile home removal near me."

Cost-effective Programme for Hauling Off Mobile Homes at No Cost to You!


Utilise Our Removal Programme to Get Rid of Your Unwanted Mobile Home

Across the country, there are affordable options for mobile home removal and salvage. Tracked Loader Gets Past Difficult/Tight Obstacles

Every Move Includes Insurance, Preparation, and Permits. We only work with bonded, insured, and licensed movers to remove the mobile home from your property promptly and safely. Insurance and permits are part of the removal program for each haul-off.

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